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Funding Accelerator Course With Aaron Korbs – Get Funded Trading Futures:

Funding Accelerator is a relatively new Tradacc course launched in the backend of 2022 to help traders earn funded accounts of $50K+ through online prop firms (also known as funded trader programs) like Topstep, Earn2Trade, Apex, Uprofit, etc.

What is Funding Accelerator

Funded trader programs have grown massively in popularity over the past few years and offer incredible opportunities, if approached correctly. But lacking proper guidance, most people waste precious time and money trying to pass evaluations.

This is the core problem that Funding Accelerator aims to solve by sharing the secrets of the industry (like how most of these programs are designed for you to fail) – and tactics to more effectively interact with them to actually achieve your trading goals.

I don’t mean for this to sound derogatory – it’s simply the truth: most individuals who pursue funding evaluations approach them in a highly reckless, incompetent fashion. But passing an evaluation through sheer luck is virtually worthless/meaningless.

If your goal is to not only earn a funded account, but actually keep that funded account and consistently generate real trading profits to withdraw from it – then you have to approach it the right way: with a focus on skill-building and sustainability.

Biggest Strength of the Funding Accelerator Course:

→ Balance Detector Provides a Simple, Yet Powerful System With Edge

One of the main features of the Funding Accelerator course is the Balance Detector tool.

This is a simple, yet powerful plugin created by Aaron Korbs and the Tradacc team specifically for the NinjaTrader 8 platform because most funding companies offer a free NinjaTrader 8 license key with the purchase of a tryout/evaluation.

Funding Accelerator Balance Detector

Aaron Korbs uses Sierra Chart as his main charting package for his personal trading accounts, but NinjaTrader 8 is a much more popular platform available through almost every futures funding program. So that’s why the tool was built for NT8.

The Funding Accelerator course as a whole was inspired by Aaron Korbs’ personal experiences with various futures funding programs. His Apex Funded Account Challenge on YouTube received so much attention that he decided to build a course around it.

After receiving hundreds of requests from viewers/followers asking for help getting funded, he took action to create a course specifically designed to effectively traverse the landscape (how to pick the right prop firms, how to actually have edge, etc.).

There’s no doubt that funded trader programs have ushered in a new, extremely popular route to becoming a trader without having to risk your own capital – and Funding Accelerator offers valuable guidance/tools for this attractive path.

Biggest Weakness of the Funding Accelerator Course:

→ Not a Comprehensive Trader Education/Training/Mentorship Program 

By itself, I don’t believe Funding Accelerator to be a comprehensive education, training, and mentorship program.

It’s a valuable course (especially for newbies/beginners to the trading scene) – don’t get me wrong – but it only scratches the surface in terms of the habits, skills, and market competence required to achieve long-lasting, sustainable trading success.

Best Futures Trading Education - Top Training & Mentorship

The course highlights the Balance Detector Tool and how to use it in order to earn funding, but it’s not some sort of magical indicator that produces nothing but winning trades. It’s essentially just VWAP with standard deviation bands.

I’m not saying this to criticize the course because the tool was designed to be simple for a reason – to reduce overwhelm and provide a codified, simplified edge. But it’s an extremely stripped down version of Aaron Korbs’ full-blown Profile Method.

The Volume Profile Method With Aaron Korbs - What is the Volume Profile Method

It’s built to take advantage of a core concept of auction market theory (balance vs. imbalance) without students having to dig too deep into the weeds of his complete trading methodology. I just want you to have proper expectations going into it.

It’s basically an in-between course that helps bridge the gap from Volume Profile Formula (intro) to Profile Method (advanced).

Overall Thoughts on Aaron Korbs, Tradacc, and the Funding Accelerator Course:

There’s really no arguing that we’re currently in a “Golden Age” of online trading.

Commissions are lower than ever. Powerful, institutional-grade platforms and tools are more accessible than ever. And now – with so many funded trader programs sprouting up – you don’t even need your own capital to trade with.

|Follow Aaron Korbs’ Daily Profile Show For Free Insights Into His Methodology|

The Volume Profile Method With Aaron Korbs - #1 Rated Advanced Mentorship Program

|Take Your Market Competence and Trading Skill to the Next Level With Profile Method|

You can become an independent full-time trader without putting tens of thousands of your own hard-earned money at risk. It all sounds amazing in theory (and it can be in real life too), but things won’t turn out well if approached incorrectly.

The biggest mistake I see people make in this arena (and really the trading space in general) is going into it with a dabbler or gambler mentality. Basically just looking to take some random, impulsive actions – hoping to get lucky and earn a funded account.

Tradacc - Profile Method With Aaron Korbs

But without real market competence and trading skill, the likelihood of this happening is slim to none. And even if you do get lucky and earn funding, you’ll likely end up breaking rules, losing the funded account, and having to start all over again.

So overall, I think the Funding Accelerator program puts developing traders looking to get funded on the right track. But keep in mind that it’s not exhaustive. Profile Method is much more sophisticated with deeper levels of training & mentorship.

Written by Matt Thomas (@MattThomasTP)

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Matt Thomas

Founder of, Creator of the Trading Success Framework Course & Trading Paradigm Skool Community, and Intraday Futures Trader Using Auction Market Theory & Profiling (Volume & Market Profile).


  • Anastazja says:

    I have often thought about becoming a trader myself, but have not had the nerve. My portfolio is administered by a fiduciary with more experience than me. The Funding Accelerator program looks interesting. You have made a good point as you have explained the program. It is not a magical way to make money all the time. I have dabbled a bit, with my advisor, in stocks some time ago with the GameStop investment. Although I made money, I did not feel comfortable. The Balance Detector Tool seems to mitigate some of the risk, but knowledgable decision still need to be made. I am going to look a bit more into the Funding Accelerator program to better understand the benefits and risks. Thanks for this introduction.

  • LineCowley says:

    I am fairly new to trading and do find it a bit overwhelming on occasion with all the terminology and trading strategies. This is the first time I hear about funded trading and was hoping for a description or definition of funded trading actually is. But I assume it means that one is using somebody else’s money to trade, and one then has to earn the account. So Funding Accelerator is basically a training course that will help those that want to have a funded account? But please correct me if I am wrong. Can one still benefit from doing the Accelerator course, even if one didn’t have a funded account? Or is it purely for help with a funded account? Thank you for clarifying.

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Great comments and questions – thanks for sharing.

      Funded trader programs (also known as online prop firms) offer opportunities for traders to trade with firm capital instead of their own. Typically, there’s some sort of tryout or evaluation period in a demo account where the individual attempting to earn funding pays a monthly subscription fee. During this evaluation period, there are specific risk parameters that the individual has to operate within (like max daily loss limit, max drawdown, max position size, etc.) and the goal is to hit a specific profit target without breaking any rules. Once the target is hit (which essentially proves that the individual is able to appropriately manage risk and grow their account), the firm provides them with a live funded account to trade with. At this point, the evaluation fee goes away and there’s a profit-split between the trader and the firm on whatever gains are withdrawn from the account (at least 80% to the trader and 20% to the firm is kind of the standard).

      These types of funding programs have grown massively within just the past several years because being underfunded is a massive problem amongst the vast majority of hopeful traders. Most simply don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars or even tens of thousands of dollars of capital at their disposal to realistically trade for a living. But for those who approach funding programs appropriately, there’s massive opportunity there that simply didn’t exist a decade ago. Prop firms have been around for a while, but Topstep was essentially the first exclusively online funded trader program to come about in 2010. Now there are dozens of similar programs like Topstep in the funded trader industry. The Funding Accelerator course offered by Aaron Korbs at Tradacc is designed to help developing traders navigate this space and jumpstart their “trading business” by getting funded (and not have to risk their own money in the markets). Almost everyone who goes through the course doesn’t yet have a funded account and is using this course for assistance in acquiring one. The course as a whole is a stepping stone to his full-blown Profile Method program that teaches more advanced/sophisticated concepts for enhancing skill and account growth.

  • Anoth says:

    Thank you for sharing your insights on the Funding Accelerator Course. It’s helpful to see an honest assessment of the course’s strengths and weaknesses. Your observation that funded trader programs are a popular route for traders who want to earn an income without risking their capital is valid. I appreciate your recommendation of approaching trading with a focus on skill-building and sustainability rather than relying on luck. It’s also essential to note that trading success requires a comprehensive education and training program, and Funding Accelerator may not provide all the necessary skills and competencies. Nonetheless, your assessment of the course is well-rounded, and readers can make informed decisions based on your review. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

  • Kevin says:

    Hey Matt, love your comprehensive review of the Funding Accelerator program with Aaron Korbs at Tradacc. It sounds like the Profile Method program is a better way to go with its deeper levels of training and mentorship. I heard from someone that it’s $3k+ in price, though. How much does it cost to join the Profile Method program?

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Kevin – that’s correct. The top-tierProfile Method program is currently $3K, which understandably sounds like a lot to most beginners. But the reality is that trading is a skill-based, peak-performance endeavor that requires legitimate training & mentorship – and that training & mentorship is simply going to cost money. A lot of people try to bypass the training phase (which I’m guilty of as well at the start of my own trading journey), but undercutting my own skill-development only made my path harder, longer, and more expensive in the long run (to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars). With my personal experiences, I guess I might have a different perspective on it, but I don’t view a high-quality program like Profile Method as “expensive” for what it is. And from what I’m hearing, the price is actually set to increase quite drastically within the next few weeks or so because the Funding Accelerator and Profile Method programs are both currently being updated by Aaron Korbs and then will only be offered together as a 2-Step bundle.

  • Al leong says:

    Hi Matt,
    The Profile Course is around 3k…having been thru it yourself do you find it helps your trading and being funded?

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Al – good to hear from you again!

      Yes, the Profile Method program is currently around $3K. Not sure if you’ve been through any other courses offered by Tradacc. But just to clarify, there are essentially 2 main ones: Volume Profile Formula & Profile Method. Volume Profile Formula is just a low-cost introductory course (and a handful of other relatively low-cost beginner-level courses can be purchased along with it as well – like Live Trading Showcase, Rapid Setups Pack, Futures Masterclass, S&P 500 Secrets, Next-Level Risk Management, etc.). I’m not saying that these are bad courses, but they’re certainly not ones that I would consider top-tier. I think they’re fine as a starting point because they lead developing traders down a powerful path in regard to futures (which I believe are superior markets) and volume profile (which I believe is a superior tool for organizing and interpreting market behavior). But in general, Volume Profile Formula – along with all of the supplemental courses I listed – are purely foundational. There’s nothing all that special about them besides preparing students for the Profile Method program.

      Profile Method is Aaron Korbs’ full-blown training & mentorship program with much more detailed video lessons, better resources, 3X live trading sessions per week, 2X Q&A sessions per week, and more. So it’s much more than just a “course”. It’s an opportunity to learn his entire methodology not just through recorded video lessons, but by watching him trade live and receiving personal feedback as well. This program is one that I consider top-tier and has absolutely had an enormous impact on my trading. I started trading about a decade ago now – struggled immensely the first few years and then finally started stringing some positive results together from digging deep into mindset/psychology and all sorts of “classic” technical analysis the next few years after that. But it wasn’t until I came across auction market theory & profiling and mentors like Aaron Korbs, Josh Schuler, and Merritt Black when things started to really “click”. So I have them to thank for the confidence, consistency, and market competence/skill I’ve been able to acquire to seriously pursue trading for a living.

      In regard to Aaron’s Funding Accelerator course, it’s a relatively new offering (launched late last year). I would consider it a beginner to intermediate-level course – and I think it has some good information in it. But again, it’s very basic/stripped down in comparison to the full-blown Profile Method program. What I’ve been hearing, however, is that Tradacc is going to stop offering Funding Accelerator as an individual course by itself and pair it with Profile Method as a 2-step packaged program. With the idea being that students could start with Funding Accelerator and then progress to Profile Method to further enhance their approach. Aaron is also currently updating the lessons and resources offered within both programs and once that’s done will come with a fairly substantial price increase (from $3K to $6K). My intention isn’t to add pressure to your decision about whether or not to pursue it – that’s completely up to you. But if you’re serious about it, just making you aware that a price increase is coming so that you can avoid paying double.

      I hope the information I’ve shared is helpful. Let me know if you have any additional questions/what you decide to do. Take care!

      • Al Leong says:

        Hi Matt,
        Thanks for the reply, hope there’s an instalment plan for those who are interested cause 3k-6k is not exactly affordable for most…

        • Matt Thomas says:

          Hi Al,

          I believe they do offer custom payment plans with monthly installments (like $500/mth over the course of 6 months or something for the $3K price that it is currently). But I think that’s decided on a case-by-case basis. It’s a top-tier program, so I don’t think the cost is unreasonable. But it’s definitely priced at a level where individuals going into it need to be deeply committed to their own long-term success. It’s not meant to attract the masses of dabblers/hobbyists; it’s meant to attract serious developing traders.

          2 programs that I would put in the same category in terms of quality are Merritt Black’s NADRO Training at Apteros Trading (which is also in that $3-$7K price range – $3K for the course itself and $7K for the course plus guided mentorship with Merritt), and Josh Schuler’s Profile Pathway at Trade With Profile (who offers several variations of the Pathway for less than $2k – Group, Video on Demand, *Pro, etc.). Maybe it’s a matter of Profile Pathway being subconsciously viewed as less valuable because of the price (or some other reason), but I’m not sure why more developing traders don’t jump on the opportunity. In comparison, it’s drastically underpriced. They’re all great programs, but Pathway is arguably the best out of the 3 for a fraction of the cost.

        • Matt Thomas says:

          Hi Al – I hope all is well!

          Just in case you haven’t seen my direct email messages regarding the Trade With Profile discount code you requested, I wanted to reach out one more time here. I was able to talk to Josh last week and talk him into offering a discount on the Video on Demand (VOD) Pathway if you want it. But need an answer as soon as possible. Either way, let me know what you decide. Cheers!

  • Liam Tremblay says:

    So you said this skill called funding accelerator can not be learned right? How are we going to do this then if it is not supposed to be learned? Is there any other course that might help an armature to get good at this specific skill or a course that might help the ones who already know some?

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Liam – I appreciate your questions. But I’m a little confused by some of them (or at least confused by how they’re worded). So I’ll try to answer as best I can based on what I think you’re asking.

      To answer your questions: Funding Accelerator is the name of the course and it’s designed to help students understand how funded trader programs work and pass evaluations (in order to actually earn funded accounts from which profits can be withdrawn). So Funding Accelerator is not a skill. It’s a course that teaches some foundational concepts and skills, but as I stated in the article – it’s not exhaustive/comprehensive. It’s not a top-tier training & mentorship program like Profile Method or Profile Pathway. But for beginners, it’s a fairly cost-friendly stepping stone for getting started. I think it’s a good course for traders to get their feet wet in the trading space, but I wouldn’t put it in the same category as the best training & mentorship programs I’ve ever been through (and it’s not designed to be that). It’s designed for amateurs to get started without feeling too overwhelmed and then eventually “graduate” to a higher level training & mentorship program for deep market competence and elite-level trading skill.

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