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Best Futures Trading Education – Online Futures Trading Course/Program Reviews:

Futures markets offer numerous benefits/advantages that stocks, forex, and crypto simply can’t match. The mix of regulation, transparency, liquidity, leverage, tax-friendliness, and versatility is second to none. It’s the ideal environment for serious traders.

Best Futures Trading Education - Top Training & Mentorship

So if you’re searching for the best futures trading education, training, and mentorship available online – I commend you for heading down the right path. It took me 5+ years to realize the superiority of futures – especially as an intraday trader.

I personally barked up all the wrong trees as a new trader roughly 9 years ago – thinking small cap chat rooms and alert/signal services were the answers to my trading woes. Boy was I wrong. Going down this route was completely ineffective.

It wasn’t until years later – when I started digging into futures and all the best training & mentorship within the space – when things really started to click for me. I was finally able to develop deep market competence and elite-level trading skills.

I would’ve avoided quite a bit of financial and emotional pain if I had come across these courses/programs/mentors sooner.

Top 3 Futures Trading Training Programs Teaching Methodologies That Work:

There’s a theme to all three of these futures trading programs: they all teach methodologies rooted in auction market theory and volume/market profiling. This is no coincidence – this perspective is simply the best “lens” to view and analyze markets through.

All 3 of the futures trading education/training/mentorship programs listed below have had an immense impact on me:


The Profile Trading Development Pathway With Josh Schuler

Trade With Profile - Top Rated Active Trader Training Program

Trade With Profile was founded in 2017 by Josh Schuler – who started trading back in 2009 while getting his MBA and then became a full-time trader and profiler in 2012. In my opinion, Josh and his flagship Profile Trading Development Pathway program are drastically underrated within the futures trading education space. In terms of content, the program offers 16 core modules covering separate (yet interconnected) auction principles for a deep understanding of how markets work/move – in addition to homework assignments, progress reports, daily outlooks, live trading sessions, weekly Q&A’s, 1-on-1 mentorship calls, and more. Similar training and mentorship programs are often 2-3X the price, so this is an incredible value for the money.


The Profile Method With Aaron Korbs

What is - Tradacc Reviews - How is Tradacc For Beginners

Tradacc (short for Trading Accelerator) was founded in 2018 by Aaron Korbs – who started trading back in 2013 after selling his truck-washing business. Aaron Korbs has no formal education (not even a high school diploma/GED), but has quickly become one of the best futures traders/trading educators in the space due to his work ethic and discipline. His Korbs YouTube channel is easily one of the best out there. Between his regularly published content revolving around futures, auction market theory, and profiling – along with his various trading challenges, Speculators Podcast, and especially his Daily Profile Show – there’s a ton of value offered there. And in terms of paid courses, there are 2 main ones to choose from: Volume Profile Formula (intro level course) and Profile Method (advanced training & mentorship).

NADRO Training With Merritt Black

Apteros Trading Reviews - NADRO Methodology - Merritt Black

Apteros Trading was founded in 2020 by Merritt Black – the former Head of Futures and Commodities at SMB Capital. Unlike many other futures trading training & mentorship programs, Apteros also offers a proprietary trading desk. So if you have/obtain the requisite market competence and trading skill, you can earn yourself a spot on their desk. This is somewhat similar to an online funded trader program like Topstep, but with much better training and mentorship. The NADRO training and prop desk tryout don’t need to be pursued in combination with one another, but both are great opportunities for training/funding. Overall, Merritt is a great teacher and has a clear incentive for his students to succeed. Ultimately, their success is also his success.

These Futures Mentors Offer the Best Overall Trading Education Programs. Period.

It’s a common misconception for people to think that these training & mentorship programs only apply to futures.

Because the fact is: the methodologies that Josh Schuler, Aaron Korbs, and Merritt Black teach can be applied to any market, product, and timeframe. But they all primarily trade futures because they’re superior markets/products for intraday trading.

Best Futures Trading Mentors - 3 of the Best in the Industry

Just like I was saying earlier about how it’s no coincidence that the methodologies these guys teach are all rooted in auction market theory and profiling; it’s no coincidence that all of these guys primarily trade futures as well. Futures are simply the best.

What I’ve realized over the past decade or so is that far too many new traders pursue general trading courses that don’t really help them in live markets – because all they cover is basic technical analysis and cookie-cutter price patterns/setups.

But the programs listed above go far deeper than that. They teach you how to truly comprehend market behavior and build high-quality “playbook” trades around that behavior – not just blindly enter/exit based on some nonsense pattern or lagging indicator.

Overall, these top-rated programs are about developing legitimate competence, professional-level skills, and robust edge.

Written by Matt Thomas (@MattThomasTP)

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Matt Thomas

Founder of, Creator of the Trading Success Framework Course & Trading Paradigm Skool Community, and Intraday Futures Trader Using Auction Market Theory & Profiling (Volume & Market Profile).


  • Page says:

    This post was very insightful for me. This area of futures trading education has always been one I never touched on because I didn’t feel like I could teach it to myself, and I felt like there was just so much to learn. After reading your post on the features and benefits that these top training and mentorship resources have to offer, I now know that when Im ready to start learning more on the topic in the near future I know exactly were I need to go to be successful. Seriously, thank you for this.

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Page – happy to help!

      That’s exactly my goal here with this site – to direct aspiring traders in the absolute best direction in terms education, training, and mentorship. For individuals who are serious/committed to the craft of becoming a highly skilled, competent trader who can generate consistent profits from markets, this small handful of mentors and their development programs are top-notch. I wish it didn’t take me 5+ years to come across them for myself on my own!

  • gorinkaca says:

    Trading is a very interesting field of work and extremely popular in recent years. Based on your personal experience and past mistakes (and clearly thorough research), you introduce/review three top-notch trader training platforms. I checked out the websites and free resources associated with each of these three platforms, and In my opinion, these are all excellent options for traders of all levels who are serious about their long-term success. I especially liked the price point of Josh Schuler’s profile development pathway and look forward to exploring that further.

  • Ljiljana says:

    Your article will be of great help to those interested in futures. Only someone who has experienced many trading failures and repetitions can help others avoid mistakes.

    • Matt Thomas says:

      I’ve certainly had my fair share of trading struggles/failures over the years – and it took me a long time to come across futures, auction market theory, profiling tools, and these specific mentorship programs (Profile Pathway, Profile Method, and NADRO) – but they’ve had (by far) the largest positive impact on my personal trading methodology than the dozens of courses I completed before them. To me, based on quite a bit of personal experience with trading courses/programs/services, what these guys teach is very clearly the best path to go down as a serious/committed trader.

  • Mark says:

    This site is an awesome resource!
    I’ve had a lot of success as a day trader in the past (To me at least.) and I gathered my own information that led to my profits based on keeping up to date with the latest news articles published by my target market as well as studying the market trend rise and falls in the past and present of the companies.
    In the end I was able to turn 800 into 4,000, but I kept thinking I could have done better, as I had made several mistakes along that way that prevented me from making more. A year later I turned 200 into 2,000, but I missed an opportunity to turn 200 into 100,000 because I didn’t have enough heads up.

    If I had the right training….I might have been able to retire already…

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