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Aaron Korbs Net Worth and Trading Track Record:

Aaron Korbs is a full-time futures trader specializing in volume profile and order flow analysis.

He’s also the co-founder and face of Tradacc (short for Trading Accelerator) – which is a trading education/training/mentorship platform offering 3 main courses/programs: Volume Profile Formula, Funding Accelerator, and Profile Method.

Aaron Korbs Net Worth - What is Aaron Korbs Net Worth

These 2 things (his own trading and trading education business) appear to be his main sources of income. Based on his typical 6-figure annual trading income and the quality of his training programs (especially Profile Method), he’s likely a multi-millionaire.

There’s no way to know the exact details of his net worth unless he shares all of his financial information publicly. But I think it’s safe to say that it’s in 7-figure territory. And the vast majority of his income/wealth revolves around trading & investing.

The Volume Profile Method With Aaron Korbs - What is the Volume Profile Method

I personally view Aaron Korbs as one of the most genuine and transparent mentors in the trading space – and his Profile Method program is up there with the absolute best training and mentorship programs I’ve ever come across.

There are only a handful of other traders and trading coaches/mentors that I hold in such high regard as Aaron Korbs.

Aaron Korbs Track Record – Trading Live Experience and Daily Profile Show:

Being part of Aaron’s next-level Profile Method program, I have the opportunity to watch him trade live almost every single day (Monday – Thursday) – which is a feature of his training/mentorship known as the Trading Live Experience.

The Volume Profile Method With Aaron Korbs - Trading Live Experience

He also shares his daily results and discusses the session almost every single day through his free, public Daily Profile Show on YouTube. So there’s no debating his transparency – and it’s clear that he’s a highly skilled, competent, and consistently profitable trader.

I don’t keep a running tab on his daily profits/losses, but he averages over $400 per trading day (which based on about 250 trading days per year works out to $100,000+). This is the goal that he helps his students strive for and surpass as well.

He doesn’t throw around crazy size or shoot for gigantic winners. He keeps his risk tight and is incredibly consistent. In my opinion, he has a lot of room to scale up and capture more profits; he certainly has the competence/skill/edge to do so.

But if he’s comfortable where he currently sits in terms of annual trading profits, then it’s certainly a nice place to be. Breaching that $100,000 level year-after-year can have a nice impact on pretty much anybody’s life (even as a sole source of income)

So in addition to his other income sources, I’m sure he’s doing quite well from an income/wealth/net worth perspective.

Learn More About Aaron Korbs, Tradacc, and His Volume Profile Methodology:

To learn more about Aaron Korbs and his personal approach to markets, I highly recommend his YouTube channel. It’s free to the public (obviously) and offers incredible content on the topics of futures, auction market theory, profiling, and more.

Profile Method With Aaron Korbs at Tradacc - Top Rated Training & Mentorship Program

He doesn’t share all of the details of his methodology on YouTube (he saves many of the nuances for his advanced training & mentorship program – Profile Method). But there’s still a ton of value in the content that he publishes there.

When you’re ready to take your market competence and trading skills to the next-level, you can consider purchasing one of his 3 main courses: Volume Profile Formula (beginner), Funding Accelerator (beginner to intermediate), and Profile Method (advanced).

Tradacc - Profile Method With Aaron Korbs

The Volume Profile Formula course is only like $50 (typically less) and is geared toward beginners looking for an introduction to Aaron’s profiling methodology. Funding Accelerator is a little more advanced/expensive, but still geared toward beginners.

The real training & mentorship, however, is through his Profile Method program. This is the path to go down for serious/committed traders (not hobbyists/dabblers). It’s about acquiring the competence/skill to generate a meaningful trading income.

If you have any personal experiences with Aaron Korbs and Tradacc – please share them down below in the comments section.

Written by Matt Thomas (@MattThomasTP)

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Matt Thomas

Founder of, Creator of the Trading Success Framework Course & Trading Paradigm Skool Community, and Intraday Futures Trader Using Auction Market Theory & Profiling (Volume & Market Profile).


  • Kevin says:

    Hi Matt, hope you´re doing great. I have some question I would love your answer for:
    Can you tell me more about your background and how you became an expert in the field of financial trading, specifically in the use of the Volume Profile Methodology?How do you see the Volume Profile Methodology fitting into a larger, comprehensive trading plan?How do you see the Volume Profile Methodology compare to other technical analysis tools?
    Thanks Matt

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Kevin – great questions.

      I personally started trading about a decade ago at this point – and since then I’ve been through dozens of trading-related courses/programs/services. Things were shaky at the start since I initially went down a rabbit-hole of small caps/penny stocks and various alert services associated with them. But I had zero success blindly copying alerts/signals from so-called “gurus”. That’s when I realized that I had to actually become a legitimately competent/skilled/self-sufficient trader – not just a copy-cat. I would never consider myself a trading “expert” because it’s an endeavor that requires continuous learning and adaptation, but I was able to transition into trading for a living back in 2021 (about seven years into my trading journey). And the understanding of auction market theory principles and use of profiling tools have played an integral role in making this happen. I truly believe that a methodology rooted in volume & market profiling tools is the best way to view and analyze markets. I’m not saying that all other technical analysis tools/indicators are useless, but they’re all quite weak/surface-level in comparison to profiling tools. In my opinion/experience, AMT and profiling are the foundation for deep market competence and robust market edge.

  • Mazie Dixon says:

    I don’t have a wealth of knowledge on trading stocks but I learned enough about the subject while I worked in the Life Insurance Industry to keep me educated and informed. Based upon your knowledge and account of Aaron Korbs, in my opinion, he must have impacted many lives by helping to create wealth and protection for many families. Thank you for this very informative article and continue to shine a financial light on the rest of the world. All the best.

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Mazie – I appreciate you sharing your thoughts & experiences.

      Just to clarify – Aaron Korbs doesn’t really trade stocks. He almost exclusively trades futures (ES/e-mini S&P 500 contracts) on an intraday basis using his volume profile methodology. I don’t want there to be any confusion there. Aaron Korbs is not teaching long-term investing; his courses/programs are centered around active intraday trading. Here are more details on what/how he trades for more clarity.

      Take care!

  • Parameter says:

    My first encounter with Aaron Korbs was reading your article on the volume profile. After which, I had to listen to his content via Youtube. He is highly convincing and you can be sure he knows what he is doing. I am not surprised to see well-priced training offered by him for beginners. He is a trader and teacher that passes his message with passion and a desire for others to grow.

    • Matt Thomas says:

      His YouTube channel is definitely one of my favorites in the trading space. He offers a ton of great content on futures, auction market theory, profiling, and more. This is a resource that I think everyone should be taking advantage of if they’re serious about trading for a living or significant portion of income.

  • Jannette says:

    I surely trust Aaron Korbs’ training & mentorship about trading and enjoy watching all of his Youtube videos teaching me how to be a successful trader. You and your content have been really helpful for me and other developing traders who follow Aaron Korbs for his expertise and transparency in trading.

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Jannette,

      I appreciate the kind words – happy to help!

      Aaron Korbs’ training and mentorship has had a huge impact on me and my own trading methodology/market approach – so I feel like it’s only right to pay that forward by sharing it with others. His perspectives on futures, auction market theory and profiling are things that I personally align with very closely. And I think his YouTube channel is an incredible free resource for learning about all of that. Of course, I think his Profile Method program is top-notch for serious/committed traders, but he still offers quite a bit of value for absolute beginners as well.

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