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Cost of Tradacc Courses → Volume Profile Formula, Funding Accelerator, and Profile Method:

Tradacc is a trading education, training, and mentorship platform co-founded by Aaron Korbs.

Tradacc is short for “Trading Accelerator” and offers 2 main courses: Volume Profile Formula & Profile Method. Volume Profile Formula is a low cost intro-level course and Profile Method is a top-level training and mentorship program for serious developing traders.

What is Tradacc Cost - Tradacc Course and Program Pricing

Aaron Korbs and the Tradacc team recently launched a third primary course called Funding Accelerator  as well – which is a beginner-level course designed to help new traders earn funding by taking advantage of online prop firms/funded trader programs.

There are also various supplemental courses and resources offered with the purchase of Volume Profile Formula. But to my knowledge, these courses can’t be purchased on their own. They’re only packaged together with Volume Profile Formula.

These supplemental courses/resources include the Volume Profile Formula Handbook, Live Trading Showcase, Rapid Setups Pack, Futures Masterclass, S&P 500 Secrets, and Next-Level Risk Management (my personal favorite of the bunch).

Breakdown of Tradacc Pricing From Intro-Level to Advanced Training & Mentorship:

Volume Profile Formula → $197

What is Tradacc Cost - Volume Profile Formula Price

Volume Profile Formula is Tradacc’s most popular course because it’s a low-cost introduction to Aaron Korbs’ volume profile trading methodology. The list price is $197, but it can typically be purchased on sale for less than $50.

Volume Profile Formula Handbook $10

This is a popular add-on resource because it’s a digital transcription of the entire Volume Profile Formula course.

Live Trading Showcase $37

What is Tradacc Cost - Live Trading Showcase Price

Live Trading Showcase shares real examples of trades that Aaron Korbs has executed, recorded, and provided commentary on.

Rapid Setups Pack & Futures Masterclass $297

What is Tradacc Cost - Rapid Setups Pack Price
What is Tradacc Cost - Futures Masterclass Price

Rapid Setups Pack covers 5 different volume profile trading setups and Futures Masterclass is an introduction to futures markets/products (benefits, margin requirements, etc.). List price is $297, but often packaged together for less than $150.

S&P 500 Secrets & Next-Level Risk Management $500

What is Tradacc Cost - S&P 500 Secrets Price
What is Tradacc Cost - Next Level Risk Management Price

S&P 500 Secrets discusses the nuances of trading S&P 500 futures (ES) and how to adjust to trends, rotations, different times of day, etc. Next-Level Risk Management covers the art and science of choice (this is my favorite supplemental Tradacc course).

These two courses are packaged together with a list price of $500, but are often discounted under $300.

Funding Accelerator $499

What is Tradacc Cost - Funding Accelerator Price

Funding Accelerator uncovers the path to trading futures without risking your own capital through top-rated online prop firms. This has quickly become one of Tradacc’s most in-demand courses with the rapid rise of the funded trader program industry.

Profile Method $2,300+

What is Tradacc Cost - Profile Method Price

Profile Method is Tradacc’s premier training and mentorship program that unlocks the nuances/details of Aaron Korbs complete volume profile trading methodology through prep workshops, live trading sessions, Q&A’s, and more.

This is what every other Tradacc course mentioned above leads up to; they’re all a foundational buildup to this top-level program. List price for the most popular Profile Method package (Gold) is $5,800. But there’s a Bronze package for as low as $2,300.  [Get 35% OFF Any Package With Exclusive Discount]

Overall – Is Tradacc a Scam or Legitimate Trader Education/Training Company?

I’ve seen a handful of complaints about Tradacc on various review platforms in regard to “upsells” and “marketing” – and I must admit that most of the course pages have a “sales-y” feel to them – but I don’t think Tradacc is a scam at all.

Is Tradacc a Scam or Legit - My Perspective as a Student

While I don’t particularly love the “sales-y” vibe on some of their course sign-up pages, I think they’re all reasonably priced. But most importantly, they serve a critical purpose: to prepare you for the advanced Profile Method training & mentorship program.

All of the lower-priced courses offer solid introductory/foundational lessons, but don’t expect them to be the be-all and end-all of your trading education. The deep nuances/details of Korbs’ methodology can only be acquired as a Profile Method student.

Tradacc - Profile Method With Aaron KorbsSo please be aware that you won’t magically become a 6 or 7-figure trader simply by purchasing a few introductory, beginner-level courses for a few hundred dollars. A far higher level of market competence and trading skill is required to succeed.

If you’re skeptical of Tradacc for any reason, then I highly recommend checking out Korbs YouTube. Watching some of those videos can help you obtain a better perspective on who Aaron Korbs is and what he and Tradacc have to offer – 100% free.

In my opinion, his free YouTube channel and premium trading & mentorship program are some of the best out there.

Written by Matt Thomas (@MattThomasTP)

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  • Phil says:

    I have a friend who has made money trading over the years but it has seemed to take him a lot of time.  I am building other businesses as well as looking at starting a trading business and have not felt I have the time.  I certainly appreciate the opportunity presented within markets though and the real training and mentorship offered here.  

  • Faye says:

    Trading can be really tricky and has many risks.  I have given it some thought to learning how to trade, but I just don’t have the time.  Reading your article, it looks like there is a lot of reading involved – it appears to be self-paced.  I would actually consider it if there was in-person or live training, or even hands on training.  I currently have stocks, but I pay a fee for management.  Looking at my progress online is somewhat confusing, but I must say this – I know when there is a loss or gain.

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Faye – I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

      Becoming a consistently profitable trader is certainly no easy task – you’ve got that right. And the way most people approach trading (often money-obsessed and without any legitimate market competence or trading skill) is definitely risky. But for individuals who are actually committed to acquiring/developing the actual competence/skills/habits for long-term, sustainable success – I don’t believe it’s all that “risky” at all (especially from the perspective that most people view it). Of course there are risks involved, especially on a trade-by-trade basis (there are no guarantees; anything can happen). But when you develop the competence/skill to make good trading decisions (with probabilities & risk-reward in your favor, paired with solid risk management) over-and-over again, then the long-term results are bound to work out. The biggest risk, in my opinion, that most people don’t tend to consider is their time (because they think trading success is as simple as buying a $100 technical analysis course or subscribing to some $20/month guru alert service). Everyone wants to make money right now, and as a result, they end up going down all sorts of nonsense get-rich-quick routes. But all they’re really doing is delaying their own development and racking up tremendous opportunity-cost. Active trading requires time, hard work, and a lot of self-discovery that a lot of people aren’t willing to go through. And that’s perfectly fine – trading isn’t for everyone and there’s no shame in that. But for those who actually want to pursue it and be successful at it, I just want to help guide them down the right path and understand what it actually entails. This is one of the main reasons why I created my free Trading Success Framework course – so that new/beginner-level traders could discover what it means to be a real skilled/competent trader and decide whether or not it’s something they truly want to pursue (instead of having to learn the hard way through months/years of wasted time, money, and mental capital).

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