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What is Volume Profile Formula and is it a Scam?

Volume Profile Formula is an intro-level course offered by Aaron Korbs at Tradacc.

So if you think this course alone is going to be some magical ticket to trading success – you’re sorely mistaken. It simply covers the power of volume profile as a tool and Aaron Korbs’ personal trading methodology at a fairly high-level.

Is Volume Profile Formula a Scam - Firsthand Review

I’ve seen a handful of people who have zero firsthand experience with the Volume Profile Formula course call it a scam . But I’ve actually been through every single course that Aaron Korbs has to offer, including his top-tier Profile Method program.

So this review is based on real firsthand Tradacc experience. And to get right to the point: do I think the Volume Profile Formula course is a scam? Absolutely not. But it’s certainly not a comprehensive, A-Z trading course either.

All it’s meant to be is a cost-friendly (typically $50 or less), intro-level course for beginners to get familiar with volume profile and Aaron Korbs’ general approach to trading. It’s not meant to be a top-level program; just a fairly basic introduction.

For premium training & mentorship from Aaron Korbs covering all the nuances/specifics of his approach, that’s what his full-blown Profile Method program is for. Volume Profile Formula is merely a foundational stepping stone to that.

Volume Profile Formula Reviews – Top Reasons For “Scam” Accusations:

“Bait”. “Upsells”. “Misleading”.

From what I’ve been able to gather from those who label Volume Profile Formula as a scam, the most common complaints are typically something along the lines of it being “bait” for “upsells” to other courses.

Is Tradacc a Scam or Legit - My Perspective as a Student

Tradacc does, in fact, offer numerous courses/programs for students to purchase. But I don’t exactly agree with the sentiment that they’re being “misleading” by offering more than just the Volume Profile Formula course. That’s just nonsense.

What they’re providing is a steady progression from basic to more sophisticated education, training, and mentorship. This isn’t “trickery”; it’s just logical. The beginner-level courses essentially serve as a low-cost trial/primer for the Profile Method program.

If you’re one of the people who agrees with the whole “bait” & “upsells” thing, then what’s the alternative? Would you prefer Tradacc not offer any cost-friendly introductory courses? Is that really what you want? Or would you complain about that too?

Overall, I don’t think these complaints really have much to do with Aaron Korbs, Tradacc, or the Volume Profile Formula course at all. They’re more a result of the general public’s misguided idea of what becoming a consistently profitable trader truly entails.

You can’t just “buy” trading success in a course. You have to earn it through personal development (aka habit & skill-building).

Final Thoughts on the Volume Profile Formula Course – Scam or Legit?

I can’t say that Volume Profile Formula is one of the best trading courses I’ve ever been through. That category is reserved for top-level training & mentorship programs like Profile Method & Josh Schuler’s Profile Trading Development Pathway.

Tradacc - Profile Method With Aaron Korbs

But for the price (currently being sold for $27), I definitely think Volume Profile Formula is well worth it. It’s basically free already and comes with a 30-day refund policy. So it’s honestly ridiculous to call it a scam. There’s hardly even a cost associated with it.

Even though the course isn’t anywhere close to the “be all end all” of trading courses (and it’s not designed to be anyway), I like it because it points people down a powerful path from an edge/methodology perspective rooted in auction market theory and profiling.

Most retail traders tend to go down a fairly weak/ineffective route when it comes to their market understanding (learning all sorts of cookie-cutter candlestick patterns, for example). And while I’m not saying these things are entirely “bad” – they’re surface-level.

In my opinion/experience, deep market competence and trading skill is established with auction market theory as a framework for market movement/behavior and volume & market profile as tools for organizing, analyzing, and ultimately executing on that behavior.

Overall, the Volume Profile Formula course is a stepping stone down a powerful path into futures, auction market theory, and profiling.

Written by Matt Thomas (@MattThomasTP)

Intro Trading Success Framework Course

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Matt Thomas

Founder of, Creator of the Trading Success Framework Course & Trading Paradigm Skool Community, and Intraday Futures Trader Using Auction Market Theory & Profiling (Volume & Market Profile).


  • Michael Toback says:

    Hi there,

    I came across your review of the Volume Profile Formula by Aaron Korbs and found it quite insightful. I appreciate your balanced perspective on the course, especially considering the complaints of “bait” and “upsells” that some have labeled it with. However, I have a couple of questions that I hope you can clarify:

    You mentioned that the course is not a comprehensive A-Z trading program but offers a foundational understanding of volume profile and Aaron’s trading approach. Can you elaborate on what specific topics are covered in the course, and what might be missing for someone looking for a more advanced understanding? Considering its low price of $27 and the refund policy, do you think this course would be suitable for someone completely new to futures trading, or would it be better suited for someone with some prior knowledge? 

    I’m considering enrolling in the course and would appreciate your insights. I have been in the market for years but mostly let my financial advisor handle things. Now that I am retired, I might want to do some of my own trades, and futures has been something that has eluded me. Thanks!

    • Matt Thomas says:

      Hi Michael – great questions.

      The bulk of the Volume Profile Formula course is essentially a 3-hour masterclass covering 5 main topics: 1) The 6-Figure Volume Profile Strategy, 2) View the Market in Matrix Mode, 3) Volume Profile Formula, 4) Next Level Trade Management, and 5) The 6-Figure Trader Mindset. But the course also comes with several bonuses, including: TradingView Charts Setup Cheatsheet, Plan of Attack Template, and Private Community.

      I definitely think the course is worth it for $27 because it leads people down a powerful path from a methodology perspective rooted in futures, auction market theory, profiling, and order flow. But it doesn’t get into all the nuances & complexities of his approach. All of that top-level education, training & mentorship is reserved for his Profile Method students. And come to think of it, there really is no such thing as a comprehensive, A-Z trading course. There are just way too many markets, instruments, timeframes, setups/strategies, and overall methodologies available out there. Certain courses are more broad/general than others – and to some degree, that can be beneficial for beginners – but real success in trading comes through specialization.

      For someone with limited prior trading knowledge/experience, I would highly recommend starting with my Trading Success Framework course to build a strong foundation. But after that is when I think it makes the most sense to hone in on a specific methodology and start building deep competence & skill around it.

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